Tuesday, July 03, 2012

coober pedy

I know two posts in one day! Here are some photos I took in Coober Pedy today. They are an underground home and of an opal mine. The photos are out of order but the first and last are of the home. it was dug out in the 1970's and the middle two are of the mine. It was very interesting to see how they live here. I wouldnt mind living under ground. its a comfortable 22 degrees cel all year round no matter what the weather is upbove.
stay tuned for more pics soon. we hope to get to uluru tomorrow
see ya


Rama's Mama said...

That is SO cool! I don't think I could live in there. Too chilly, too dark. No windows. But it is very interesting. New follower here! Nice to meet you and look forward to reading more of your blog. When you get a moment pls stop by and return the follow, ok? Thanks! http://raisingrama.blogspot.com/

Leanne said...

Oh wow I don;t think I could live underground - totaly amazing tho aye.

Love Leanne