Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday madness

Well we did plant the fruit trees over the weekend, and dear old hubby trimmed the wings on the chooks because they flew into the garden and ate all my pea seedlings that were bigger than just seedlings and even had flowers on them. So no peas this year.
Its been very wet and I would like to ask the universe now to seed her rain to others that need it because we have had enough thank you.
Baby girl starts her dance teaching tonight and she is a little frightend but excited.
Girlfriend has her op today so hopefully tonight the news will be good and all cancer will be removed.
Please stop raining now
see ya

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Hi Ange,
loving your blog, been meaning to leave a comment for a while
keep up the good work
Love Nancy
PS I am making a patchwork quilt