Saturday, June 27, 2009

A very productive Morning

This morning my dad came over to visit wonderson for his birthday and to bring my a trellis he had made for my grape vine.
I don't know how to train one so he did the cutting back and we tied it to the trellis he had made and bolted to my fence.
We then took lots of cuttings from the cut offs and planted them too. Hopefully they will all take and in a few years time we will have lots of table grapes.
We then cut back a few of the fruit trees and generally tidied up.
Its good when someone else does all the heavy work and I only just become the gopher.
Now its inside for some baking and some work on my stitchery.
Have a great day everyone.
see ya

1 comment:

Hibiscus Moon said...

That sounds like a lovely day. You should take a pic and show us your handy work. :)