Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Spring clean myself

Tis the first day of spring and that urge to clean and purge has set in.
First thing I did today was to go and join Tony Ferguson. I dont like these places normally knowing that you need to learn to eat healthy, and not just do the fad diets, but I have noticed myself falling into bad habits again and I think this will help me.
I contiually skip meals, and then over eat when I do, so the meal replacement shakes will stop that. I hope!
I hope to also relearn what a healthy portion is. Its all habit forming and this will give me a boost again.
So come on the journey with me and I will keep you up to date on the progress I make.
see ya

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Oh I wish I was there with you. I love spring. Please share many photos. I wish you well on your new eating adventure.