Sunday, May 25, 2008

lazy sundays

Its just a lazy sunday, got up late, teenage children mine and others all still sleeping the house is warm and I feel very content.
Husband had to get up and move the geese from their night time home into their daytime grazing area so I decided to get up and blog.
Its a dream of ours to buy a farm and be real farmers but until then we practice on our 5 acres. we have chickens for eggs and goats for milk, but I'm scared of big animals so they never got milked.Good farmer I'm going to make. Anyway we also have sheep for lambchops and geese for weeding and lawn mowing. We also have cats for mice and dogs for the foxes so all up we are kept very busy.
It all fits into my plane of being self sufficent. I will have to get over this fear of large animals and I am getting better. I can now pat the goats when they come close and not panic and run away so who knows I may become the very best farmers wife yet
see ya

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