Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

We are going to celebrate by having a Barbie and cooking some lamb chops.
Just like Sam Kekavic tells us to.
enjoy your day off everyone
see ya


granny said...

Went to Woolies to buy lamb chops yesterday...THEY HAD SOLD OUT !!

Vickie said...

Hello Angela - thanks for your visit! Happy Australia day!

I am impressed with your knitting. I learned how from my grandmother when I was a child, and lately I've been hankering to try it again. I've got my needles and I'll have to get me some yarn. Your yarns are from some lovely colors. They look bluish! You're doing very well on your diet. I'm having trouble sticking to mine...

Anonymous said...

This honorary Ozzie says thank you ;0)