Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Venus transit 2012

The second Venus transit is happening right now! I am waiting for the sun to rise about the patch of cloud so that I can see the start of it.
I have an old piece of welding glass that fell out of the mask that hubby found for me and I will be taking it with me to the hospital today.
I will pop out to keep and eye on the transit.
The next one isn't till 2117 so I don't think I will be around for that one!
If your able get outside and have a look, its something to tell your grand kids about.
see ya


Susan said...

Wow, thanks for the photo Angela. It's so cloudy over here in East Gippsland, we have no hope of seeing it.

Lois Evensen said...

Fascinating image. We don't see it here.

Sharon said...

Guess I missed that one. :(

Very cool though!