Monday, May 02, 2011

Another week

Well its Monday again, were is the year going!
Winter looks like its finally settled in and its been raining all night.
Everyone here has the flu, I only just got back to the gym today and I was only able to do half an hour before exhaustion hit.
So I got some day old bread from the bakery for the pigs and came straight home.
The fire is going and its toasty warm in here. So here I will stay and do some knitting or other type of craft. Learning to live with Chronic fatigue syndrome is harder than I thought. I still want to do what Iv always been able to do but even just getting sick makes a huge impact on my life.
I have noticed that If I dont eat right and dont get a good nights sleep it also makes a big difference. So easter, and the choc overload, and staying up to watch the wedding, and the flu have left me very flat.
But a couple of days rest and I should be able to function again.
Hope your all healthy out there,
see ya


Grammy said...

Wow, it sounds like you are following in my foot steps for the winter we had. I do not know if you have the same meds we do. At the end of 3 month of strep and bronchitis. I tried Advil cold and air born. This worked for me. But your body is screaming at you. Rest is your best choice. I am sending you healing thoughts and lots of virtual hugs.

Tracey said...

Keep warm & sleep it off....hope you feel better soon. Sending love...xxxx

granny said...

Ive been so busy and just now catching up on blogs..
I hope both you and Leanne are feeling better,thinking of you xo